Compiling Netatalk on Ubuntu
Compiling and installing Netatalk via building Debian/Ubuntu deb packages.
We need the following dependencies. libtracker is a library to make netatalk volumes searchable by Apple Spotlight.
apt install libdb5.3 libdb5.3-dev dbus-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev \
libmysqlclient-dev libtracker-miner-2.0-dev
The following tools are required to create the deb packages
apt install autoreconf dh-autoreconf autotools-dev dh-systemd
We prepare the workspace.
mkdir netatalk-build && cd netatalk-build/
We get the scripts that will do the building. I have found them on launchpad.
tar xf netatalk_3.1.11-debian-build-scripts.tar.xz
Now we setup the changelog and remove the tarball md5.
export new_upstream_version=3.1.12-ubuntu1-cro~xenial
dch -v ${new_upstream_version}-1 "Dummy changelog entry"
sed -i -e 's/^\(DEB_UPSTREAM_TARBALL_MD5\b\)/#\1/' debian/rules
Now it is time to build the thing. DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=openssl basically tells the build process to allow it building with ssl support.
cd ../netatalk/netatalk-3.1.12/
cp ../../netatalk-build/debian .
cp -rp ../../netatalk-build/debian .
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=openssl debian/rules debian/rules
debian/rules binary
And the resulting packages can be installed
dpkg -i netatalk_3.1.12-ubuntu1-cro~xenial-1_amd64.deb
dpkg -i libatalk18_3.1.12-ubuntu1-cro~xenial-1_amd64.deb